Meet the team

The management team at Platinum Financial Services has 135 years of combined industry experience. We are proud to have brought together such a collection of leaders, many of whom have operated as a team in Hong Kong and China since day one. Each member of the group is an experienced specialist with complimenting skill sets. Together, they form a nucleus of dedicated practitioners passionate about creating and protecting our clients’ wealth. This well-balanced and disciplined assembly of professionals is also the foundation of the ethics and standards of excellence that we adhere to when delivering quality advice and service. Meet our management team!

Mark Kirkham

CEO & Founder
Hong Kong
Industry experience: 32

Gordon Franks

Managing Partner & Founder
Hong Kong
Industry experience: 17

Neil McCormick

Senior Partner
Hong Kong
Industry experience: 15

Martin Rodmell

Senior Partner
& Area Manager
Industry experience: 20

Kevin Hennessy

Senior Partner
& Regional Manager
Industry experience: 17

Vianney Bernard

Area Manager
Industry experience: 10

Dane Maistry

Senior Partner
& Area Manager
Industry experience: 10

Martin Rodmell

Senior Partner
& Area Manager
Industry experience: 20

Kevin Hennessy

Senior Partner
& Regional Manager
Industry experience: 17

Norelle Kwok

Head of Administration
Industry experience: 7

Elwira Skrybus

Marketing Manager
Industry experience: 7